OPS Forestry work with forest owners and specialist suppliers throughout the world to secure an ongoing supply of these and other species.

Balsa Wood (Ochroma pyramidales)

Ochroma pyramidales


Description:  Balsa is famous for its wide usage in woodworking, due to its softness and its high strength compared to its low density. The name Balsa is the Spanish word for “raft.”

Balsa wood is a lightweight, renewable resource that has gained popularity across various industries due to its unique properties. The global Balsa wood market includes manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and end-users of Balsa wood products.

Products Available: there are many different levels of processing Balsa, from raw material through to semi or finished products using high-end CNC machines.

Applications: The construction industry uses Balsa wood for lightweight structures and partitions, while the packaging industry uses it to create protective packaging materials for fragile objects. The model-making industry employs Balsa wood for its lightweight properties, and the sports equipment industry uses it to make lightweight paddles, rackets, and surfboards.

Grade: Balsa wood is often classified into different grades based on its density and quality. The grading system typically consists of letter grades, ranging from A to C (and sometimes even lower).

Origin South america
Colour Yellow blonde
AD Density - KG/M3 < 480 very soft


Balsa Wood (Ochroma pyramidales) VIEW

Basralocus (Angelique)

Dicorynia guianensis, Dicorynia paraensis


Description: The wood is dimensionally stable and has a nice, warm, reddish-brown color. With its texture and pleasant color, Basralocus has a pleasing combination of appearance and natural durability not often found in construction hardwood.

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Exterior joinery, Interior panelling, Flooring, Sliced veneer, Cooperage, Current furniture or furniture components, Heavy carpentry, Ship building (planking and deck), Resistant to one or several acids, Hydraulic works (seawater), Interior joinery, Industrial or heavy flooring, Cabinetwork (high class furniture), Veneer for back or face of plywood, Sculpture, Stairs (inside), Turned goods, Vehicle or container flooring, Bridges (Parts not in contact with water or ground).

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard


Basralocus (Angelique) VIEW

Berg Gronfolo

Qualea rosea, Qualea spp., Ruizterania spp


Description: Berg Gronfolo is pinkish brown to red-brown, sometimes olive-brown.

Products Available: Logs, sawn timber.

Applications: Flooring, interior and exterior joinery, exterior paneling, sliced veneer, molding, boxes, and crates, glued laminated, seats, tool handles (resilient woods), heavy carpentry, furniture, shipbuilding (planking and deck), veneer for interior of plywood, formwork, vehicle or container flooring, open boats.


Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2

Bloodwood, Satine

Brosimum spp


Description: Heartwood is a bright, vivid red. Color can darken to a darker brownish red over time with exposure to light. Both strong and beautiful, Satine has been harvested and used for both utility and aesthetic purposes throughout its natural range.

Reported to be very durable, and resistant to most insect attacks.

Products Available:Logs, sawn timber, semi or finished product.

Applications: Cabinetwork (high-class furniture), turned goods, interior paneling, stringed instruments (bow), heavy carpentry, tool handles (resilient woods), sliced veneer, stairs (inside), flooring.

Origin South america
Colour Dark reds
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ very hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2

Bolletrie, Bulletwood, Massaranduba

Manilkara huberi, Manilkara bidentata, Manilkara spp


Description: The wood is dark red brown with purplish shades.

Products Available: Logs, sawn timber, semi or finished product.

Applications: Stakes, Stringed instruments (bow), Hydraulic works (fresh water), Sleepers, Sliced veneer, Ship building (planking and deck), Sculpture, Turned goods, Industrial or heavy flooring, Stairs (inside), Bridges (Parts not in contact with water or ground), Bridges (Parts in contact with water or ground), Poles, Wood frame house, Arched goods, Tool handles (resilient woods), Shingles, Heavy carpentry, Current furniture or furniture components.

Origin South america
Colour Dark reds
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2


Vouacapoua americana


Descriptions: Brownheart´s heartwood has a dark brown color with a fine stripy pattern.

Products Available: Logs

Applications: Cabinetwork (high-class furniture), interior paneling, sliced veneer, turned goods, poles, hydraulic works (seawater), heavy carpentry, exterior joinery, bridges (parts not in contact with water or ground), current furniture or furniture components, interior joinery, flooring, stairs (inside), bridges (parts in contact with water or ground), shipbuilding (planking and deck), and sleepers.

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2

Bush Mahogony

Martiodendron parviflorum, Martiusia parviflora


Descriptions: It is brown and red in color. The wood has 1.2 kg/m3 in density. Its grain is typically straight to slightly interlocked.

Product Available: Logs, sawn timber

Application: Flooring, stairs, furniture, joinery


Origin South america
Colour Light reds
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard

Cumaru - Yellow & Red (Brazilian Teak)

Dipteryx odorata


Description: Due to its beautiful graining and varied appearance, Cumaru, pronounced /Koo’-mah-Roo/, is often referred to as “Brazilian Teak”. is world-renowned for its superior characteristics and properties. Cumaru is one of the hardest woods in the world which lends to its incredible durability and longevity. It is also naturally resistant to insect attack, mold, rot, fire, and decay.

Products Available: KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Cumaru lumber is very resistant to decay and insects which makes it an ideal material option for exterior projects like wood decks, outdoor furniture, pergolas, gazebos, boardwalks, and more.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ very hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class1


Vataireaguyanensis, Vataireaparaensis, Vatairea spp., Vataireopsisararoba, Vataireopsissurinamensis, Vataireaguianensis, Vataireulundellii, Erythrocarpa


Descriptions: Darina is bright yellow when freshly sawn, becoming yellow-brown to dark brown or red-brown.

Product Available: Logs, sawn timber.

Applications: Industrial or heavy flooring, interior paneling, exterior joinery, stairs (inside), flooring and decking, sleepers, and bridges.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ very hard
Durability Above Ground Class1

Djindja Udu

Buchenaviatetraphylla, Burchenaviaspp., Terminaliaspp.


Description: Also known as Nargusta, Mirindiba, or Granadillo. This timber is light yellow to yellow brown, sometimes with reddish veins.

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Sliced veneer, flooring, cabinetwork (high-class furniture), shipbuilding (planking and deck), furniture, interior joinery, molding, turned goods, industrial or heavy flooring, heavy carpentry, shipbuilding (ribs), arched goods, exterior joinery, tool handles (resilient woods), exterior and interior flooring.

Origin South america
Colour Yellow blonde
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class3


Apuleia leiocarpa


Description: Garapa is sometimes known as “Brazilian Ash” or a “Brazilian Hardwood”, a beautiful hardwood that has a golden to yellowish brown color that darkens with age. The wood appears to shift from dark to light coloring in different lighting angles, which gives the wood a unique and aesthetically interesting appearance. One of the biggest benefits of Garapa is its long-lasting durability. You will not need to worry about rot and decay because its high density and tight grain pattern makes it naturally resistant to both. Garapa is also scratch-resistant which makes it a top choice for outdoor living spaces.


Garapa’s beautiful golden tones will enhance your project with a warm, natural look. Garapa is a durable hardwood with a 30+ year lifespan that is suitable for many applications.


Products Available: AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking, moldings, and posts. FSC Certified

Applications: Garapa is a high-density, highly durable hardwood species that is ideal for use in exterior structures including decks, wood siding, wood rain-screen, and more.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2


Garapa (Apuleia Leiocarpa) VIEW

Guanacaste, Parota

Enterolobium cyclocarpum


Description: Heartwood is light to medium brown, sometimes with a reddish hue. Darker streaks of brown are sometimes present. A hardwood species native to Central America, including countries like Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Mexico. Parota has a variety of uses, unique properties, and considerations.

Guanacaste wood is resistant to decay and insect damage, making it suitable for outdoor applications like decking and garden furniture.

Applications: Construction building materials such as beams, posts, and decking due to its durability and strength. The wood is also used in furniture making, producing high-quality pieces due to its attractive grain patterns. Other uses include musical instruments and turned products.

Products Available: Squares, slabs, AD, KD sawn timber, glulam beams.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 < 480 very soft
Hardness Janka kN <4 - soft
Durability Above Ground Class2

Ipe, Brazilian Walnut

Handroanthusspp., Tabebuiaspp (synonymous)


Description: Heartwood can vary in color from reddish brown to a more yellowish olive brown or darker blackish brown; sometimes with contrasting darker brown/black stripes. Much of what I have seen looks similar to a teak wood. Ipe can be difficult to distinguish visually from Cumaru, another dense South American timber.

Ipé wood comes in good long lengths with limited warp. Superb weathering characteristics. (Ipe was used for the boardwalk along the beach of New York City’s Coney Island, and was said to have lasted 25 years before it needed to be replaced: an amazing lifespan given the amount of traffic and environmental stresses put upon the wood.)

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Decking, exterior lumber, veneer, tool handles, and other turned objects. industrial and parquet flooring, cabinets, sleepers, stairs, furniture, naval construction, hydraulic works, interior and exterior joinery.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ very hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2


Hymenaea courbaril


Description: Heartwood varies from a light orangish brown to a darker reddish brown, sometimes with contrasting darker grayish brown streaks. Color tends darken upon exposure to light. Jatoba, is an extremely strong, shock-resistant, and rot-resistant wood and is also resistant to termites and most other insects.

Jatoba hardwood is an excellent choice for any exterior decking, siding, or lumber option.

Products Available: AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking – FSC Certified

Applications: Flooring, furniture, cabinetry, tool handles, shipbuilding, railroad ties, turned objects, and other small specialty items.

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class1


Lonchocarpus castilloi


Description: The heartwood ranges from cream-brown to dark reddish-brown. The heartwood often has thin stripes of lighter color. Its texture is moderately coarse with a low to medium luster and a straight to interlocked grain. Tangentially sawn surfaces can produce an attractive, striated figure alternating between darker and lighter fibers.

Aside from its Class 1 durability and resistance to insect attacks, its primary boast is that is it unsurpassed in bending strength – even when compared to Ipe. Despite its extreme density, it actually responds well to machine cutting and is considered easy to work with.

Products Available: Sawn Timber – Decking FSC

Applications: Heavy construction, decking, flooring, fine furniture, garden furniture, lathed products, tool handles, shipbuilding, and railroad crossties.

The wood is reported to be very resistant to fungus and insect attacks, including termites.

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class1


Pithecellobium corymbosum


Description: Marblewood is yellow to golden brown, with irregular brown, purple, or black streaks. Overall appearance is very similar to Zebrawood.

The wood is heavy and dense, making it well suited for applications where strength and durability are key — such as flooring and furniture.

Products Available: Logs – AD

Applications: Current furniture or furniture components, interior paneling, Cabinetwork (high-class furniture), sliced veneer, flooring, turned goods, hydraulic works (seawater).

Origin South america
Colour Yellow blonde
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ very hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class3


Bucida buceras


Description: Pucté’s heartwood ranges from yellowish to greenish-brown with an olive hue oftentimes with longitudinal stripes as a result of interwoven grain. It has a medium to fine texture and is very lustrous, almost glasslike.

Due to its high density and silica content, the wood is resistant to dry-wood termites and durable in ground contact. The Wood is designated as very resistant to decay (class 1 under ASTM D 2017-71 and EN 350-1). Susceptible to teredo marine borers. Its strength is said to resemble that of greenheart (Ocotea rodiaei).

Products Available: Sawn Timber – Decking KD FSC

Applications: Exterior use in posts, poles, railway crossties, and other durable construction. Both heavy-duty and residential flooring. It can be used for furniture (e.g. tabletops), interior trim, tool handles, and decking. The wood is employed for marine construction, including ship keels and bridges, where borers not present.

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class1


Peltogyne spp.


Description: Purpleheart´s heartwood has directly after molding a pale brown colour, which quickly changes to purple after exposure. In time it darkens to dark brown with light. There is a possible presence of internal stresses. It has a fine stripy pattern and a slight luster.

Purpleheart fulfills the regulation of the Dutch KOMO certification for windows and doors. In the USA, Purpleheart/Amarante is used to make high-class coffins.

Products: sawn timber, AD or KD

Applications: Used for heavy construction work, bridge building, fresh water piling, dock work, cladding, and vats. Excellent for flooring, gymnasium equipment, shafts, tool handles, boat building, turnery, and furniture.

Origin South america
AD Density - KG/M3 Dark brown
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2

Saman Monkey Pod

Samanea Saman


Description: Saman, (also known as Raintree or Monkey Pod) heartwood tends to be a golden to dark brown, sometimes with darker streaks., while sapwood is pale yellow, very easy to distinguish from the core. Wood is very stable and durable, does not warp, and is resistant to pests and insect attacks. Especially, this wood has a straight, wavy, and eye-catching wood grain.

Products Available: Squares, slabs, AD, KD sawn timber, glulam beams

Applications: veneer, plywood, carving, furniture, millwork, cabinetry, musical instruments, and specialty items.

Origin South america
Colour Dark brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium


Monkey Pod, Raintree (Samanea Saman) VIEW

Santa Maria

Calophyllum brasiliense


Description: A medium-density hardwood with rich and beautiful coloration and graining, Santa Maria has many characteristics that are similar to genuine Mahogany. The wood’s hue can vary from a pinkish beige to a reddish gold sometimes with darker veining and figures with golden tones. Radially cut or sliced veneer is quite attractive and the species is increasingly used as a substitute for mahogany.

Products Available: Sawn Timber – Decking KD FSC

Applications: The wood can be used for indoor construction and joinery, including panels, flooring, cabinetry, veneers, masts, and railroad ties. It’s commonly used in the fabrication of doors, windows, and high-end furniture and lathe work where it’s prized for its lustrous color and desirable finishing capacity. It is also used for shipbuilding, outdoor furniture, and cladding. Guatemala’s wood industry has utilized the species for the production of doors for export to the US, Europe, and Mexico.

Origin South america
Colour Dark reds
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class2


Piratineraguianensis / Bronsimumguianensis


Description: Such figuring can be so pronounced that it has been compared to the writing of hieroglyphics, and is sometimes called Letterwood. In addition to its colorful figure, Snakewood is also among the densest and hardest of all wood species worldwide. Due to strong darkening its spectacular grain will get more discreet over time.

Snakewood is an incredibly versatile timber and can be used in many different applications. It is a popular choice for musical instruments, violin bows, jewelry, and much more.

Products Available: Sawn timber

Applications: Snakewood is an excellent tone wood. Instruments made from Snakewood sound similar to those made from ebony.

Origin South america
Colour Dark reds
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ very hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2

Spanish Cedar

Cedrela odorata


Description: Spanish cedar wood is a tropical hardwood native to Central and South America. It is valued for its beautiful appearance, pleasant aroma, and a variety of applications. While not as durable as some other tropical hardwoods, Spanish cedar has a natural resistance to decay and insect damage, making it suitable for outdoor use if properly maintained.

The trade of Spanish cedar is subject to regulations and restrictions, as it has been overharvested in some regions. It is essential to ensure that the wood you are using is sourced legally and sustainably.

Spanish cedar is typically kiln-dried to reduce its moisture content to a level suitable for woodworking and to prevent issues like warping and splitting.

Products Available: Sawn timber, AD / KD, finished product produced to customer specifications.

Applications: Cabinetry and furniture, doors, windows, and exterior trim moldings due to its natural resistance to decay and insects, interior paneling, and other interior finishes due to its elegant appearance.

Boat Building: Spanish cedar is often used in boat building, particularly for hulls, as it is lightweight and has a natural resistance to water damage.

Origin South america
Colour Light reds
AD Density - KG/M3 < 480 very soft
Hardness Janka kN <4 - soft
Durability Above Ground Class2


Bagassa guianensis & tiliaefolia


Description: Tatajuba freshly cut, the heartwood is yellow. darkening to a golden or reddish brown upon exposure to light.

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Interior joinery, sliced veneer, hydraulic works (freshwater), exterior panelling, bridges (parts not in contact with water or ground), turned goods, vehicle or container flooring, current furniture or furniture components, shipbuilding (ribs), wood frame house, interior panelling, sleepers, exterior joinery, bridges (parts in contact with water or ground), heavy carpentry, stairs (inside), moulding, flooring, shipbuilding (planking and deck), cabinetwork (high-class furniture).

Origin South america
Colour Yellow blonde
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2


Couratari stellata


Description: Tauari (Brazilian Oak), is similar to North American White and Red Oak, but 30% harder and more naturally stable. It ranges from tan to medium brown in color, and has a beautiful grain pattern.

In addition to providing the highly sought-after ‘wheat’ color associated with domestic oak. In addition to being economically and visually appealing, this hardwood is also very resistant to decay, impact, and insects, ensuring long-lasting enjoyment of aIngipipa (Tauari) decking.

Products Available: KD Sawn Timber

Applications: Decking, Flooring, interior staircases, doors and door frames, furniture.

Origin South america
Colour Yellow blonde
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Durability Above Ground Class2
Durability In Ground Class4

Teak - Costa Rica

Tectona Grandis


Description: Direct from a 31-year-old Teak plantation, this supply represents mature teak trees that have reached a significant age and size. Teak trees generally develop high-quality heartwood as they age. Older Teak trees tend to have denser wood, contributing to its strength and durability.

Teak has superb stability, good strength properties, easy workability—and most of all, its outstanding resistance to decay and rot—it’s no wonder that Teak ranks among the most desired lumbers in the world. Heartwood tends to be golden or medium brown, with color darkening with age.

Products Available: Logs, sawn timber AD / KD, S4S, Quarter Sawn, semi or finished product, produced to customer specification.

Applications: Decking and flooring, ship and boatbuilding, veneer, furniture, exterior construction, carving, turnings, and other small wood objects.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2


Teak – Costa Rica VIEW

Teak - Trinidad

Tectona Grandis


Description: A rare opportunity to secure supply from 60-year-old plantation Teak. This is a great opportunity for specialist Teak product manufacturers to secure a reliable, ongoing supply of high-quality teak S4S timber.

Teak has superb stability, good strength properties, easy workability—and most of all, its outstanding resistance to decay and rot—it’s no wonder that Teak ranks among the most desired lumbers in the world. Heartwood tends to be golden or medium brown, with color darkening with age.

Products Available: S4S timber AD / KD, S4S, Quarter Sawn, semi or finished product, produced to customer specification.

Applications: Decking and flooring, ship and boatbuilding, veneer, furniture, exterior construction, carving, turnings, and other small wood objects.

Origin South america
Colour Light brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class 1: very durable – over of 40 years above ground
Durability In Ground Class 2: durable – between 15 and 25 years in ground


Teak – Trinidad VIEW

Teak – Costa Rica VIEW


Astronium lecointei


Description: Tigerwood is an exotic hardwood that is naturally resistant to rot and decay, is the third hardest decking we sell, and offers a 30+ year lifespan without preservatives!

The coloration of Tigerwood is one of its greatest characteristics. It is named such because of the striking longitudinal bands running through it, which resemble tiger stripes. Fresh timber has a russet or orange-brown color with medium to dark brown stripes. As the wood ages the coloration darkens slightly and the stripes become nearly black.

Products Available: KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Application: Furniture, Decking. It is an all-around standout for construction, especially outdoor construction, due to its weather resistance and density.

Origin South america
Colour Dark reds
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 hard
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class1


Eperua falcata, Eperuagrandiflora, Eperuarubiginosa


Description: Wallaba is a dense tropical hardwood. It is light red to reddish brown in color. The wood has a very high density and the texture is rather coarse with grain which is typically straight. Wallaba consists of high gum exudates and oily resin which are part of the properties that fight against insects and decay.

Products Available: Logs – sawn timber

Applications: Bridges (Parts in contact with water or ground), exterior paneling, heavy carpentry, furniture, flooring, cooperage, sleepers.

Origin South america
Colour Light reds
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 hard
Hardness Janka kN 4-8 medium
Origin South america
Durability Above Ground Class1
Durability In Ground Class2