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South America is home to some of the world’s most beautiful exotic hardwoods. It is for this reason OPS has worked over a long period of time to establish supply partners throughout this region.


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This month’s top 5 SOUTH AMERICAN TIMBER Species:


Each species is available in logs, sawn timber, AD / KD, RS / S4S, and semi or finished products, produced to customer specification.

Basralocus (Angelique)

Dicorynia guianensis, Dicorynia paraensis


Description: The wood is dimensionally stable and has a nice, warm, reddish-brown color. With its texture and pleasant color, Basralocus has a pleasing combination of appearance and natural durability not often found in construction hardwood.

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Exterior joinery, Interior panelling, Flooring, Sliced veneer, Cooperage, Current furniture or furniture components, Heavy carpentry, Ship building (planking and deck), Resistant to one or several acids, Hydraulic works (seawater), Interior joinery, Industrial or heavy flooring, Cabinetwork (high class furniture), Veneer for back or face of plywood, Sculpture, Stairs (inside), Turned goods, Vehicle or container flooring, Bridges (Parts not in contact with water or ground).

Origin South America
Colour Dark Brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 Hard
Durability Above Ground class2
Durability In Ground class2
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 Hard

Cumaru - Yellow & Red (Brazilian Teak)

Dipteryx odorata


Description: Due to its beautiful graining and varied appearance, Cumaru, pronounced /Koo’-mah-Roo/, is often referred to as “Brazilian Teak”. is world-renowned for its superior characteristics and properties. Cumaru is one of the hardest woods in the world which lends to its incredible durability and longevity. It is also naturally resistant to insect attack, mold, rot, fire, and decay.

Products Available: KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Cumaru lumber is very resistant to decay and insects which makes it an ideal material option for exterior projects like wood decks, outdoor furniture, pergolas, gazebos, boardwalks, and more.

Origin South America
Colour Light Brown
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ Very Hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ Very Hard
Durability Above Ground class1
Durability In Ground class1

Ipe, Brazilian Walnut

Handroanthusspp., Tabebuiaspp (synonymous)


Description: Heartwood can vary in color from reddish brown to a more yellowish olive brown or darker blackish brown; sometimes with contrasting darker brown/black stripes. Much of what I have seen looks similar to a teak wood. Ipe can be difficult to distinguish visually from Cumaru, another dense South American timber.

Ipé wood comes in good long lengths with limited warp. Superb weathering characteristics. (Ipe was used for the boardwalk along the beach of New York City’s Coney Island, and was said to have lasted 25 years before it needed to be replaced: an amazing lifespan given the amount of traffic and environmental stresses put upon the wood.)

Products Available: Logs – AD / KD Sawn Timber – Decking

Applications: Decking, exterior lumber, veneer, tool handles, and other turned objects. industrial and parquet flooring, cabinets, sleepers, stairs, furniture, naval construction, hydraulic works, interior and exterior joinery.

Origin South America
Colour Light Brown
AD Density - KG/M3 1000+ Very Hard
Hardness Janka kN 13+ Very Hard
Durability Above Ground class1
Durability In Ground class2


Lonchocarpus castilloi


Description: The heartwood ranges from cream-brown to dark reddish-brown. The heartwood often has thin stripes of lighter color. Its texture is moderately coarse with a low to medium luster and a straight to interlocked grain. Tangentially sawn surfaces can produce an attractive, striated figure alternating between darker and lighter fibers.

Aside from its Class 1 durability and resistance to insect attacks, its primary boast is that is it unsurpassed in bending strength – even when compared to Ipe. Despite its extreme density, it actually responds well to machine cutting and is considered easy to work with.

Products Available: Sawn Timber – Decking FSC

Applications: Heavy construction, decking, flooring, fine furniture, garden furniture, lathed products, tool handles, shipbuilding, and railroad crossties.

The wood is reported to be very resistant to fungus and insect attacks, including termites.

Origin South America
Colour Dark Brown
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 Hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 Hard
Durability Above Ground class1
Durability In Ground class1


Peltogyne spp.


Description: Purpleheart´s heartwood has directly after molding a pale brown colour, which quickly changes to purple after exposure. In time it darkens to dark brown with light. There is a possible presence of internal stresses. It has a fine stripy pattern and a slight luster.

Purpleheart fulfills the regulation of the Dutch KOMO certification for windows and doors. In the USA, Purpleheart/Amarante is used to make high-class coffins.

Products: sawn timber, AD or KD

Applications: Used for heavy construction work, bridge building, fresh water piling, dock work, cladding, and vats. Excellent for flooring, gymnasium equipment, shafts, tool handles, boat building, turnery, and furniture.

Origin South America
AD Density - KG/M3 580 - 1000 Hard
Hardness Janka kN 9-12 Hard
Durability Above Ground class2
Durability In Ground class2